
Pressure Tanks: zinc-coated
(volume 100l - 2000l)


Multistage pumps
type SKSb and SKM

pressure booster sets

Automatic membrane pressure booster sets
(volume 24l - 200l)


The water filter constitutes the essential element of water intake system for home, farm and garden allotments, etc.  Such system has been employed as an alternative solution for existing dug wells made of rings or for dug wells which require deepening due to low water table. The system supports various pump types, e.g.: manual garden pumps, motor driven single- and multi-impeller suction pumps.
The filter is made of zinc-coated drilled steel sheet wrapped with copper mesh and fastened additionally with copper wire or a perforated brass sheet. The one side of the filter nests a cast iron pivot shaped in the form of worm or cone which allows positioning of the filter in the ground. The other end of the filter nests a hydraulic male thread. Both ends of horizontal filter are male threaded.

Product images

  • Galeria zdjęć
  • Galeria zdjęć

Primary technical parameters

Filter type d [mm] l [mm] L [mm]
Well filter 1¼'' short; worm or cone shape 32 950 1370
Well filter 1¼'' long; worm or cone shape 32 1470 1950
Well filter 1½'' short; worm or cone shape 40 950 1370
Well filter 1½'' long; worm or cone shape 40 1470 1950
Well filter 2'' short; worm or cone shape 50 950 1370
Well filter 2'' long; worm or cone shape 50 1470 1950
Well filter horizontal 1½'' - to the dug well 40 600 700

Price list

LP. Name Net Gross
1  Well filter 1¼” short, in casing made of brass metal sheet 268PLN 329,64PLN
2  Well filter 1¼” long, in casing made of brass metal sheet 379PLN 466,17PLN
3  Well filter 1½” short, in casing made of brass metal sheet 296PLN 364,08PLN
4  Well filter 1½” long, in casing made of brass metal sheet 412PLN 506,76PLN
 Well filter 2” short, in casing made of brass metal sheet 370PLN 455,10PLN
 Well filter 2” long, in casing made of brass metal sheet 528PLN 649,44PLN

Nett prices of filters without brass casing (with wire protecting the mesh) are somewhere about 10% lower.